Friday, December 11, 2009

Ricky's First Snowstorm

Little Ricky didn't enjoy his first time out in the snow, cried right away and went back inside with Amy.

Anika had a ton of fun though, she was outside several times: sledding, throwing snow balls and helping me shovel the driveway.

Amy and Anika decorated the Christmas tree, put up the nativity scene and made yummy Christmas cookies.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Ricky's First St. Nick's Day

Little Rick enjoyed his first St. Nick's Day, Anika and Rick liked their presents. Later in the day, Anika helped me put up the Christmas lights and pick out a Christmas tree.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ricky's First Thanksgiving

Anika & Rick

Holiday Memories: Prange's Christmas Windows
Neville Public Museum of Brown County (Green Bay, WI)

Anika, Jessa & Great Grandpa Jochman standing next to the dinosaurs

Anika & Jessa in front of Bruce "The Talking" Spruce Christmas Tree


Anika & Rick sit on Santa's lap

Amy, Anika & Rick

Anika, Rick, Beth, Jessa, Shane & Great Grandpa Jochman (and Rob in the last picture)

Jochman Family Thanksgiving
Anika, Rick, Jessa, Zoe, Olivia, Casey, Patty & Great Grandpa Jochman

Anika, Rick, Mom & Dad (and one with Grandpa Thomson)


Monday, November 30, 2009

Trip to the Movies

I get frustrated with inconsiderate people.

Amy and I took a break from the kiddos, and headed off to see a movie this past weekend, on our way into town we stopped off to get a quick bite to eat at a fast food joint, before the movie started.

At first we thought the place was closed, because there was no one in the restaurant except us and the employees, not a single other customer besides us.

In walks a large family, they have the run of the place and can sit anywhere they want, dozens of empty seats all over the restaurant.

Where do they sit?  You guessed it...

The seats directly behind us, so close it felt like they were talking in my ear.  But because the spot didn't hold them all, then they moved right next to us.

What the hell?

You can sit anywhere in the restaurant, dozens of open seats, and you pick the spot right next to the only two other people in the place?


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Headbanging Anika

Anika the wild child, headbangs to AC/DC with Terri at her birthday party!

Amy, Anika, Terri, Toni & Rick

Monday, November 16, 2009

Anika & Rick

Picture together from Amy's cell phone.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Anika went as a witch and Ricky as a monkey.

Pictures from our cell phones.